Part II: Chapters 10 -12
Part II: Chapter 1
Chapter 10
10 begins with Lilith waking up from a sleep induced by Nikanj. Lilith awakens pain free but with an odd smell that can’t be wash away. Along with the smell, Lilith discovers she now has the ability to open the walls to her room. Nikanj explains that Lilith now has access to food and the outside world. After explaining Lilith’s new freedom Nikanj begins to tremble, an indication of the beginning of his metamorphosis. Although Lilith initially leaves Nikanj claiming she doesn’t care about his trembling, she almost immediately returns to it. Lilith feeds Nikanj and Nikanj tells Lilith the process doesn’t hurt and it actually feels “sexually aroused.” The chapter ends with Nikanj giving Lilith instructions to help in his journey to Lo.
Question 1
When Nikanj begins his metamorphosis Lilith can’t seem to leave it. In fact she admits that “she had not been able to leave Nikanj trembling in its bed while she enjoyed her greater freedom” (108). What does this say about the relationship Nikanj and Lilith share? How has their relationship progressed from their initial meetings?
Chapter 11
Lilith makes the journey to Lo along with Ahajas, Dichaan, and an unconscious Nikanj in Chapter 11. In Lo Lilith says her goodbyes to Tediin and Jdahya and learns she will be living with Ahajas and Dichaan. Lilith also learns her training will begin when Nikanj’s metamorphosis ends. Chapter 11 lets Readers learn al also learn a little about the Oankali. Mates are usually brother and sister although; Tediin and Jdahya are cousins and an “unusual” exception. In addition Lilith learns that ooloi are usually strangers. The combination of the related Oankali and stranger ooloi are good in situations when people are bred for work.
Question 2
In Chapter 11 Lilith tells Tediin that she would rather stay in Kaal than be amongst strangers. Tediin replies by saying “Nikanj must go. You would not like to be separated from it” (111). Lilith admits to herself that she would rather stay with Nikanj than “be sent to teach a lot of frightened, suspicious humans” and “go with strangers” (111). Lilith also admits others had succeeded in pushing her and Nikanj together. Do you believe that Lilith wants to stay with Nikanj because its’ the lesser of two evils or because she has seriously developed a relationship with it.
Chapter 12

Question 1
When Nikanj begins his metamorphosis Lilith can’t seem to leave it. In fact she admits that “she had not been able to leave Nikanj trembling in its bed while she enjoyed her greater freedom” (108). What does this say about the relationship Nikanj and Lilith share? How has their relationship progressed from their initial meetings?
Chapter 11
Lilith makes the journey to Lo along with Ahajas, Dichaan, and an unconscious Nikanj in Chapter 11. In Lo Lilith says her goodbyes to Tediin and Jdahya and learns she will be living with Ahajas and Dichaan. Lilith also learns her training will begin when Nikanj’s metamorphosis ends. Chapter 11 lets Readers learn al also learn a little about the Oankali. Mates are usually brother and sister although; Tediin and Jdahya are cousins and an “unusual” exception. In addition Lilith learns that ooloi are usually strangers. The combination of the related Oankali and stranger ooloi are good in situations when people are bred for work.
Question 2
In Chapter 11 Lilith tells Tediin that she would rather stay in Kaal than be amongst strangers. Tediin replies by saying “Nikanj must go. You would not like to be separated from it” (111). Lilith admits to herself that she would rather stay with Nikanj than “be sent to teach a lot of frightened, suspicious humans” and “go with strangers” (111). Lilith also admits others had succeeded in pushing her and Nikanj together. Do you believe that Lilith wants to stay with Nikanj because its’ the lesser of two evils or because she has seriously developed a relationship with it.
Chapter 12
In chapter 12 Kahguyaht comes to visit Lilith and brings her books, paper and “recreated” pens. Kahguyaht teaches Lilith about the ooloi body and even shows her his sensory hand. Kahguyaht’s sensory hand had eight tentacle fingers that surrounded a palm with deep orifices. The hand was encased in a hard semitransparent material. Lilith compares the hand to a starfish. When

Question 3
Kahguyaht explains that because of “the way human genetics were expressed in culture” he thought a male would be good for parenting the first group (116). Kahguyaht goes on to say that as a parent one would have to “teach, give comfort, feed, clothe, and guide them though the world. I think that feeding, comforting and clothing are roles usually that our society typically attributes with females not. I also feel like these gender roles would be even more wide spread in the 80’s, when Dawn was written. Why do you think that Kahguyaht believed males to be better suited for the job of parenting? and what do you believe are the “human genetics” that Kahguyaht speaks of?

Chapter 1
Lilith is given eighty dossiers to review. The dossiers are “short biographies made up of transcribed conversations, brief histories, Oankali observations and conclusions and pictures” (123). Lilith’s job is to read the dossiers and choose people to Awaken but all the while Lilith is looking for people who could be potential allies. In her own words, Lilith wants someone who can “share the burden,… not do anything violent and stupid,...and give her ideas” (123). While she is reading the dossiers Lilith begins to form a plan for escape in her head. Lilith decides that Earth would give humans the best chance to escape Oankali control. Lilith briefly wonders if escaping is what the Oankali will expect her to do. Chapter 1 goes on to describe the dossiers which include the humans prior lives and how they have responded to the Oankali. In chapter one Lilith’s reoccurring fear is that she will not be able to gain the trust of the Awakened humans. Lilith thinks that the humans will see all of her abilities (memory, walls) and associate her with their captors. In the end Lilith decides to Awaken Tate Marah. Marah is described to be bright, manipulative, and egocentric. Ironically the Oankali had though Tate was more ooloi than female. Chapter 1 ends with Lilith preparing for the Awakening of Tate Marah.
Question 4
In Lilith’s descriptions of who she is looking for (someone to share the burden ect.) and in her final choice (Tate Marah) Lilith seems to think the ideal people will be equal to her. If by chance Lilith does find people who are equal to her in mind set they will not match her in ability. What do you think will be the response when the Awakened humans discover Lilith is superior to them in ability? Do you think that Lilith’s abilities and knowledge will make it impossible for her to be seen as an equal?
I believe Lilth wanted to stay with Nikanj because she has developed a maternal relationship with him. He has been the one who she has connected with the most. She has the opportunity to leave and explore but she decides to stay with him, showing she has developed an emotional attachment to him. I think he started to develop a connect with Lilith as well because he asked her to be with him when he goes through metamorphosis. I feel like that is foreshadowing what their relationship might become later on in the book.
ReplyDeleteI think Kahguyaht's preference of having a male to act as the "parent" of the group of humans is indicative of a weak spot the Oankali have in their knowledge about humans. They assume they know everything and they are credited as knowing what is better for humans, yet the role he described ("teach, give comfort, feed, clothe") is one that is typically regarded as more feminine than masculine. It is true that men are typically seen as being more domineering than women, yet when it comes to being comforted, most people would think of a mother before they would a father.
ReplyDeleteI do not think it's possible for Lilith to find someone who is equal to her unless the Oankali give the other awakened humans the same capabilities. When Lilith was first woken up she shyed away from Jdahya and feared him, partly because of his abilities but also because of his physical appearance. I think that the awakened humans will at first shy away from Lilith because of her abilities, but will then decide to cling to her because of her human characteristics. But just like Lilith assimilated, most of the awakened humans will also adjust if they spend enough time with the Oankali. For her trip back to Earth, I don't think that Lilith will have any equals but I do think that the awakened humans will be terrified and turn to her for guidance.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Lilith really wants to stay with Nikanj when he leaves because they created a special bond together. I also believe that Nikanj has developed a special bond with Lilith and would like it if they both had the chance to stay together. They both learn from each other and I believe it is vital from Lilith’s growth that she stays with Nikanj so she can become more familiar with the Oankali ways.
ReplyDeleteLilith seems to have developed a relationship as she does things she really didn't have to do, such as feeding Nikanj. There's this idea that Nikanj is dependent upon Lilith as it goes through this metamorphosis, and since Nikanj has taught Lilith much there is sort of this sense of obligation, or a mutual dependence, this sense that it needs her just as much as she needs it.
ReplyDeleteLilith and Nikanj's relationship has evolved to the point where they can rely on each other to take care of the other. I feel that there maybe some type of tension between the two if Nikanj finds out about Lilith's plans. As she wakes up the other humans I think there will be a divide between those who are with lilith and those who are against lilith, after all humans do have a history of always fighting even if peace is the more rational state.